The future logo Design: Dan LaBar

I presented Future: Simple Async, Parallel & Distributed Processing in R Why and What’s New? at rstudio::conf 2020 in San Francisco, USA, on January 29, 2020. Below are the slides for my talk (17 slides; ~18+2 minutes):

  • HTML (incremental Google Slides; requires online access)
  • PDF (flat slides)
  • Video with closed captions (official rstudio::conf recording)

First of all, a big thank you goes out to Dan LaBar (@embiggenData) for proposing and contributing the original design of the future hex sticker. All credits to Dan. (You can blame me for the tweaked background.)

This was my first rstudio::conf and it was such a pleasure to be part of it. I’d like to thank RStudio, PBC for the invitation to speak and everyone who contributed to the conference - organizers, staff, speakers, poster presenters, and last but not the least, all the wonderful participants. Each one of you makes our R community what it is today.

Happy futuring!

- Henrik