progressr 0.13.0 is on CRAN. In the recent releases, progressr gained support for using cli to generate progress bars. Vice versa, cli can now report on progress via the progressr framework. Here are the details. For other updates to progressr, see NEWS. The progressr package, part of the futureverse, provides a minimal API for reporting progress updates in R. The design is to separate the representation of progress updates from how they are presented.

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progressr 0.10.1 is on CRAN. I dedicate this release to all plyr users and developers out there. The progressr package provides a minimal API for reporting progress updates in R. The design is to separate the representation of progress updates from how they are presented. What type of progress to signal is controlled by the developer. How these progress updates are rendered is controlled by the end user.

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progressr 0.8.0 is on CRAN. It comes with some new features: A new ‘rstudio’ handler that reports on progress via the RStudio job interface in RStudio withProgressShiny() now updates the detail part, instead of the message part In addition to signalling relative amounts of progress, it’s now also possible to signal total amounts If you’re curious what progressr is about, have a look at my e-Rum 2020 presentation.

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future 1.20.1 is on CRAN. It adds some new features, deprecates old and unwanted behaviors, adds a couple of vignettes, and fixes a few bugs. Interactive debugging First out among the new features, and a long-running feature request, is the addition of argument split to plan(), which allows us to split, or “tee”, any output produced by futures. The default is split = FALSE for which standard output and conditions are captured by the future and only relayed after the future has been resolved, i.

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There are new versions of future and future.apply - your friends in the parallelization business - on CRAN. These updates are mostly maintenance updates with bug fixes, some improvements, and preparations for upcoming changes. It’s been some time since I blogged about these packages, so here is the summary of the main updates this far since early 2020: future: values() for lists and other containers was renamed to value() to simplify the API [future 1.

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Source: I presented Progressr: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates (15 minutes; 20 slides) at e-Rum 2020, on June 17, 2020: Abstract HTML (incremental Google Slides; requires online access) PDF (flat slides) Video (starts at 00h49m58s) I am grateful for everyone involved who made e-Rum 2020 possible. I cannot imagine having to cancel the on-site Milano conference that had planned for more than a year and then start over to re-organize and create a fabulous online experience for ~1,500 participants in such short notice.

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Design: Dan LaBar I presented Future: Simple Async, Parallel & Distributed Processing in R Why and What’s New? at rstudio::conf 2020 in San Francisco, USA, on January 29, 2020. Below are the slides for my talk (17 slides; ~18+2 minutes): HTML (incremental Google Slides; requires online access) PDF (flat slides) Video with closed captions (official rstudio::conf recording) First of all, a big thank you goes out to Dan LaBar (@embiggenData) for proposing and contributing the original design of the future hex sticker.

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No dogs were harmed while making this release future 1.15.0 is now on CRAN, accompanied by a recent, related update of future.callr 0.5.0. The main update is a change to the Future API: resolved() will now also launch lazy futures Although this change does not look much to the world, I’d like to think of this as part of a young person slowly finding themselves. This change in behavior helps us in cases where we create lazy futures upfront;

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Below are the slides for my Future: Simple Parallel and Distributed Processing in R that I presented at the useR! 2019 conference in Toulouse, France on July 9-12, 2019. My talk (25 slides; ~15+3 minutes): Title: Future: Simple Parallel and Distributed Processing in R HTML (incremental Google Slides; requires online access) PDF (flat slides) Video (official recording) I want to send out a big thank you to everyone making the useR!

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Henrik Bengtsson

MSc CS | PhD Math Stat | Associate Professor | R Foundation | R Consortium

Associate Professor