Luke Zappia's summary of the talk I presented Future: A Simple, Extendable, Generic Framework for Parallel Processing in R at the European Bioconductor Meeting 2020, which took place online during the week of December 14-18, 2020. You’ll find my slides (39 slides + Q&A slides; 35 minutes) below: Title & Abstract HTML (Google Slides; requires online access) PDF (flat slides) Video (YouTube) I want to thank the organizers for inviting me to this Bioconductor conference.

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The below code shows how to configure the repos option in R such that install.packages() etc. will locate the packages without having to explicitly specify the repository. Just add it to the .Rprofile file in your home directory (iff missing, create it). For more details, see help("Startup"). local({ repos <- getOption("repos") # # For a list of CRAN mirrors, see getCRANmirrors(). repos["CRAN"] <- "" # if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { repos["CRANextra"] <- "http://www.

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Henrik Bengtsson

MSc CS | PhD Math Stat | Associate Professor | R Foundation | R Consortium

Associate Professor